7 Beauty Tips to Get Glowing, Flawless Skin.
Flawless skin doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, it takes a little but consistent step each day.
Bright like the sun skin comes from within, and this means hard work: ditch that soda for water, remember sunscreen #always and spare that extra five-minutes to take off all your makeup before bed – no excuses.
So, no worries on how to achieve luminous, vibrant skin. We’re sharing some of our top beauty tips for skin, right here!
Good Eating Habits
The pursuit of how to get beautiful skin doesn’t start with your makeup. It doesn’t even start with skincare. It begins with what you feed your body. Even a queen has to eat her dark, green leafy veggies. Therefore, a diet of salty and sugary processed foods is not a good idea. Even dairy (organic included – yes, we know) can cause breakouts. This is because the hormones in dairy milk activate oil glands and pores.
Good-for-the-skin foods:
1. Foods rich in anti-oxidants (to fight free radicals that age skin) – This includes blueberries, kale and dark chocolate.
2. Foods with omega-3s and fatty acids (to keep skin supple and smooth) – This includes fish, chia seeds and walnuts.
So, that’s a big N-to-the-O to soda (grab a seltzer instead), potato chips (or get the kind made with avocado oil), and candy (hey, it can’t be Halloween everyday).
Hydration. Hydration. Hydration!
You may not be a mermaid living in The Great Big Blue H20 – but, water is your friend. In fact, water should be your bestie. If the majority of the water you drink comes in the form of soda or coffee, we need to have a little chit-chat.
Water helps flush away toxins that cause inflammation and blemishes — so, guess what happens when we’re dehydrated?
Water helps keep skin heathy, smooth and plump! Yes, moisturizers offer a quick fix, but, if you really want to play the long-game, make water a larger part of your daily routine. For example, if you love soda, try a flavored seltzer water (we’re quite partial to pink grapefruit ourselves). Also, some juices have a lot of sugar. Therefore, try a water bottle with a diffuser inside of it. That way you can have the fresh, natural taste of watermelon or pineapple, without any of the additives.
So, cheers friends and drink up!
Hey there, Beauty. Sleep!
There is a reason you keep hearing about the magic number eight. Eight-hours of sleep. Eight glasses of water. But, true story: sleep is good for you.
We’re certainly not suggesting you lounge in bed all day, rather, lay off those term paper all-nighters or TV-binges. Your skin will say, “thank you.”
Dark circles aside, regular and proper sleep helps reduce fine lines. Without proper sleep, your body releases stress hormones that break down its natural collagen. In fact, collagen keeps skin smooth and bouncy.
Moral of the story: aim for a solid eight-hours of sleep.
The Sunscreen
Frienemy no.1: the sun.
Who doesn’t love laying out on a warm day, next to crisp turquoise water, lounging on a towel with a good book in hand and some tunes on. But, just don’t forget to bring your wide-brimmed hat and SPF. Otherwise, the alternative means premature aging, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation. With so many options out there, from sprays to traditional lotions, to the ones included in your CC Cream – there is really no excuse when it comes to protecting your skin. And no, winter is not a free-pass not to use sunscreen because UV damage is year-round.
To Have Clear Skin?
Not to sound like a broken record, but wash your face. Washing your face before going to bed clears away all the dirt, oil and germs you’ve picked up throughout the day. This includes touching your mobile phone to your ear, touching your face as you brush away loose strands of hair, or even accidentally touching your face during the day.
Not washing your face lays the ground work for clogged pores, irritated skin and breakouts. Plus, the stakes get even higher if you are also wearing a face full of makeup.
That said, if you’ve had a night out, dance competition or made up your face with a look inspired by your fav Instagram beauty guru, do yourself a favor and crack the surface of the makeup with face wipes. This way, the first dent has been made before you wash your face, ensuring that it’s all gone.
Personally, we’re partial to our Acne Control Scrub. By adding salycilic acid to our signature Apricot Scrub, it helps reduce breakouts and prevent acne… not to mention, glowing skin.
Tools of the Trade
If you want flawless skin, make sure your makeup brushes and other tools are clean. You can do everything right — eat healthy, hydrate and cleanse — but, it’s not worth it if you end up dropping the ball with dirty makeup brushes.
Look at it this way: think about how many days or months (OMG!) worth of bacteria you’re buffing back into your skin if you have never washed your brushes. Aim to clean foundation and concealer brushes everyday to every other day, and bi-weekly for everything else. Also, using a makeup wipe to brush off excess product from your brushes helps keep them sanitized and clean in-between.
On that note, make sure after washing your face, it is patted dry with a clean towel. Otherwise, you’re negating all the work you’ve just done.
So, do like your mamma told you: have one body towel, and its matching sista’ hand-and-face towel. #washweekly
Embrace Your Moisturizer
In a perfect world, we’d all have the time to look as glamorous as a supermodel stalking down the catwalk at fashion week.
But, we live in the real world, where sometimes a full beauty routine simply isn’t possible. If you have to skip any step in your makeup regimen, just make sure you don’t skip using moisturizer.
Moisturizer creates a barrier of hydration between your skin and makeup, which helps protect your skin from drying out like the Sahara on a bad day.